The Holy Spirit in the New Testament

A hardcover coffee table book with over 600 paintings by Christian artists illustrating 269 scriptures about the Holy Spirit in the New Testament.

The Holy Spirit in the New Testament

Original price was: $49.95.Current price is: $29.95.

The Holy Spirit in the New Testament by Marcie Shepard, a born again, Messianic Jew,  is a 412 page, 9 x 12 inch hard cover coffee table book featuring 269 illustrated Bible scriptures illuminating the nature, purpose and activity of the Holy Spirit in the Church Age.  84 artists, digital artists and photographers from all over the United States, Canada and Europe combine their extraordinary talents and diversity in this inspired collection of more than 600 original paintings and images honoring the Holy Spirit in His participation in the birth, death and resurrection of Jesus, the Gospel Message, the beginning of the Church, and God’s plan for the salvation of Jews and Gentiles.

Jacket Cover from The Holy Spirit in the New Testament

Taken from 7 different Bible versions, these Scriptures about the Holy Spirit are organized into 16 chapters, from the announcements of the birth of John and of Jesus through the messages to the 7 Churches in Revelation, with chapters on the Holy Spirit Promised, the New Birth, The Holy Spirit and Love, Spiritual Gifts, Sin and the flesh, Righteousness, A Clear Conscience, the Fruits of the Spirit, the New Covenant, Invitation and Warnings, and many more. The Preface and comprehensive Introduction provide the reader with most everything he or she needs to know about the Holy Spirit in the New Testament along with the scriptural evidence to support it. A welcome addition to any library and a serious attention grabber on the coffee table, this superb collection of illustrated scriptures will make a truly special present for someone you love!

 The Holy Spirit in the New Testament is a celebration of the Holy Spirit in Art and Scripture and is the first in a series of books by the author created to honor the Word of God through the inspired Art of those who serve Him.

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